
IPv6 represents the latest and most advanced iteration of the Internet Protocol (IP), replacing the previous version – IPv4.

It addresses the limitations of IPv4, primarily the exhaustion of available addresses. IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses, allowing for approximately 3.4×10^38 unique IP addresses, compared to IPv4's 32-bit addresses and roughly 4.3 billion addresses. This vast address space accommodates the growing number of internet-connected devices.

IPv6 features

IPv6 has several updates compared to the older version:

  • Simplified header format for improved processing efficiency
  • Stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) allows devices to configure their IP addresses
  • Integrated IPsec for end-to-end security
  • Enhanced support for Quality of Service (QoS) through flow labeling
  • Elimination of the need for Network Address Translation (NAT) due to an abundance of addresses
  • Improved multicast and anycast capabilities for efficient data distribution and management

IPv6 introduces new concepts like address scopes (link-local, unique local, and global) and more robust mobility support.

Subnets and IP address quantities

IPv6 addresses and/or their subnets are free for Cherry Servers customers. 

A /56 IPv6 subnet is reserved for each client-server, consisting of many IP addresses: 4722366482869645213696.

The client is assigned a /64 subnet for initial routing - about 18 quintillion IP addresses. If more than this amount is needed, the customer can expand it in two iterations up to /56.

After ordering the service, the division of IP addresses according to their versions appears in the Networks -> Subnets section.



At the project level, a client has as many IPv6 subnets as it has servers with IPv6 subnets enabled. The server to which the subnet is assigned will also be visible immediately.

When you enter each subnet, you can see the management of specific subnets and specific IP addresses:



Adding and updating IP addresses

When adding new IP addresses, the client is prompted for the range of IP addresses available:

Customers can change the following IPv6 properties: PTR record, DNS record, and set IP address auto-configuration during server installation or re-installation. Changing the properties is available by pressing the IP address configuration button:

If the customer does not know how to configure an IP address for an already installed server, he can use our help scripts. They are provided by clicking on the link: "Manual IPv6 configuration help script". Depending on your distribution, you can find instructions on how to configure your IP address here, e.g. For AlmaLinux:

The instructions on how to configure your IP address are currently available for:

  • Ubuntu 22
  • Ubuntu 20
  • AlmaLinux 9
  • AlmaLinux 8
  • Cents 7


Expanding the subnet

If for some reason the customer runs out of available 18 quintillion IP addresses, the /64 subnet can be expanded:

There are two ranges:

up to /60

or /56.


IPv6  mapping on a specific server

In the Network IP address table of a specific server, IPv6 will be mapped if that IP address is marked with the auto-configuration check box.

Mapping on a specific server:

The same applies to the management IPs table. Only IPv6 addresses that are intended for automatic configuration during installation are visible here.

Meanwhile, the Public IP Subnets section will show a similar view to the one seen at the project level:

Here the subnet for the server will be visible, and it will be possible to manage specific IP addresses: