How to change a user password on a Linux server

While working on a Linux server, you may need to change the password for a user, including the root user. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to achieve that.

Key Points to Consider:

  • This guide is applicable to any user on the server, not just the root account.
  • Ensure you have root access or sudo privileges to change the password.

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Log in to your server

  1. Access your server using SSH from your terminal. Use the command below to connect:
    $ ssh your_username@your_server_ip
    • Replace your_username with your actual username.
    • Replace your_server_ip with the server's IP address.

Step 2: Verify Root or Sudo privileges

  1. Ensure you have root privileges by using the following command:
    $ sudo -i

Step 3: Change the user password

  1. Run the passwd command to change the password for a specific user. Replace username with the target user:
    $ sudo passwd username
    • Enter the new password twice when prompted (see Fig. 1).

    Fig. 1. Terminal prompt to enter and confirm the new password.

Step 4: Verify password change

  1. After successfully updating the password, you should see a confirmation message (see Fig. 2):
    passwd: password updated successfully / passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully

    Fig. 2. Output confirming that all authentication tokens have been successfully updated.

Quick tip: Generate secure passwords using pwgen

pwgen is a handy utility to generate strong, random passwords on Linux. Here are some useful options you can use with pwgen to create highly secure passwords:

Step 1: Install pwgen

If pwgen is not already installed, you can install it with:

$ sudo apt install pwgen

Step 2: Use pwgen to generate passwords

Here are some common options you can use with pwgen to enhance password security:

  • Basic password generation:
    $ pwgen 16 1
    This generates a 16-character password. You can adjust the number 16 for a different length, and 1 specifies how many passwords to generate.
  • Secure passwords (with -s):
    $ pwgen -s 16 1
    This forces the password to be more random and secure, ideal for critical accounts.
  • Include symbols (with -y):
    $ pwgen -sy 16 1
    This creates a secure password of 16 characters with symbols included.
  • Avoid ambiguous characters (with -B):
    $ pwgen -B 16 1
    This generates passwords that avoids characters that could be mistaken for each other (like O and 0).
  • Force numeric digits in the password (with -n):
    $ pwgen -n 16 1
    This ensures numeric digits are included.

Summary of common pwgen options:

  • -s: Stronger, more random passwords.
  • -y: Include symbols in the password.
  • -B: Avoid ambiguous characters.
  • -n: Ensure the password includes numeric digits.


In this guide, we outlined how to change the password for any user on a Linux server using the passwd command. Additionally, we explored using the pwgen utility to generate secure passwords, along with several useful options (-s, -y, -B, -n) to customize the complexity and security of your passwords.

Using these steps and tips will help ensure your server is secured with strong and unique passwords for each user.